Ernesto Cortazar music now on Bandcamp

Ernesto Cortazar music now on Bandcamp

For all Bandcamp users, now Ernesto Cortazar Music is available on Bandcamp.

Now you can purchase Ernesto Cortazar's MP3 Albums or MP3 songs on his artist site

On Bandcamp's Ernesto Corazar artist page you can purchase his MP3 Albums and songs.

MP3 Album price is $9.99 each but if you prefer to purchase songs individually you can download them paying just $1.00 USD each.

You can listen to all his music, share it, download it. It is a great place to enjoy and interact at the same time.

All 47 CDs are available on Bandcamp

60 Years
9 Lives Of Innocence
Blue Waters
Boleros Vol. 1
Boleros Vol. 2
Boleros Vol. 3
Boleros Vol. 4
Ernesto Cortazar Plays Frank Sinatra
Just For You
Leaves In The Wind
Moments of Sol'itude
On The Top Of The World
Tic Tac Blues
Dancing in The Clouds
Forever You and I
Just Two Of Us
Legend of the Sea
Sailing Through The Stars
Scent of Life Time
You are My Destiny
Days Of Innocence
Journey Around The World
Journey Around The World Vol. II
Concertos Vol. I
Concertos Vol. II
Concertos Vol. III
Concertos Vol. IV
Concertos Vol. V
Faces Of Nature
Story of a True Love
Memories Of The Fall
Feliz Navidad (Merry Christmas)
Immortal Melodies
Silver Moon
The Swan's Tale

Visit Ernesto Cortazar's Artist Page on Bandcamp and enjoy his music.


If you are looking for Audio CDs you can order your CDs at Ernesto Cortazar Online Store and they will be shipped to your home. Shipping free and is worldwide!

If you live in the US you can purchase from 1 to as many as you want, you will count with FREE SHIPPING. (no coupon needed)

If you live outside the US, with a purchase of 5 or more CDs in one order you get Free Shipping using the Coupon Code: FREESHIPPING on your checkout.

Here is the link to Ernesto Cortazar Audio CDs Online Store:

Ernesto Cortazar Audio CDs

Thank you again to all for keeping Ernesto Cortazar's music alive and remember to spread the word and if you can leave a review of his music at the online store will be very appreciated!


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